Every day, your body is fighting a battle for you, trying to keep illness out, and keep you strong, healthy and alive. It is screaming out what it wants to be fed to work at peak performance. It keeps saying, "Give me a banana!" But instead, you feed it a can of Pepsi.Eating fascinates me, especially these days with all of the knowledge available to us. The majority of people in the western world have a general sense of what is good for them and what isn't. We have an endless amount to gain from being healthy, and so much to lose (our lives included) from being unhealthy it's amazing what we are willing to risk and put our bodies through."Take care of your body; it's the only place you have to live."This is your body we are talking about here; you have to be in it every single day, look at it in the mirror every single day. It's your lifespan, it's living long enough to see your kids grow up, having energy to play with them, not having heart attacks, high cholesterol, high blood pressure... to name a few of the many reasons. I can understand neglecting something that may not really affect you, but this is your life we are talking about here. This is all you have. Ever heard the quote, "if you don't have your health... ""You control 100% of what you put in your mouth."Health is very simple. You are in complete control of it and no one else, so you make all the decisions and can assume 100% responsibility. If you are overweight, it's your fault, if you are fit and healthy it is also your fault. There are so many things we spend countless hours worrying about that we have ZERO control over, and most of them aren't anywhere near as important as our health. One simple solution to this abundant problem is, "put the fork down""Eat to live, don't live to eat." You are actually supposed to feel better after you eat. This may be a new concept to some people; it certainly was at one point for me. Food is fuel, it provides vitamins, minerals, energy and life to your body, so that you can go on with your day with more vibrancy, vigor and stamina."Apparently taste is more important than your life."
Most people over-eat, eat the wrong things, and have the exact opposite effect after every time they eat a meal. They feel bloated, sluggish; tired... the list goes on and on. Not only do they eat too much, but also they eat a lot of the wrong things. They do it every single day of their lives. This kind of eating on a daily basis will eventually accumulate into disaster over a couple years. Start thinking about eating from this angle, and don't pick what you think is the most delicious (in time, what is delicious will change; many unhealthy foods will no longer be desirable.) Pick something that is going to give you life, not take hours, weeks, and years off of it. Eat to get MORE life, not less."Your stomach shouldn't be a waste basket."Instead of writing this article, I should have come up with a new version of Tums. When you really think about it, it is actually hard to imagine that such a product even exists. Not only does it exist, it sells over 60 million rolls per year and has been in business for over 80 years. Wow! It is incredible to think that we have developed pills to counteract the awful food we feed ourselves and they are flying off the shelves at such a rate."To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals."Eating smaller portions of high quality real whole foods, along with lots of water will change your life. Yes, it is that simple."If you have no time for healthy eating, you will soon need to find time for illness."What are some of your top priorities in life? If living is high on your list, it may be time to start taking a serious look at your eating habits. You possibly are tired and frequently sick because of the foods that you consume day in and day out. Why do we do this? Is it worth impacting the quality of your life and potentially your lifespan? It's 2014; information on what to eat if you can't figure it out is at our fingertips, just do a quick Google search from your Smartphone anywhere on earth, right now, and you will find all you need to know. Make some quick, simple adjustments to your diet and your life will literally change within months.
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