Saturday, August 30, 2014

Royal Jelly To Boost Your Health

Royal jelly is a nutritional food secreted by worker bees in a beehive. The substance is usually fed to all colony larvae. However, when there is a need for a new queen bee, a group of the larvae are fed large quantities of the jelly. This exclusive feeding of royal jelly is what turns the normal bees into queen bees with a longer life expectancy compared to the worker bees. The queen bees are also much larger and end up laying thousands of eggs daily. In essence, this jelly variety can also be as beneficial to humans and luckily it is now available in supplement form. You can now easily boost your health using royal jelly supplements.The Benefits of Royal Jelly

Controls cholesterol - Research conducted on volunteers prove that eating this jelly variety greatly decreases low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol without harming the levels of good cholesterol in anyway. The supplement can be a better natural option of keeping cholesterol levels down.

Prevents osteoporosis and bone loss - Studies have also shown that it prevents osteoporosis through the enhancement of intestinal calcium absorption. The enhanced absorption of calcium then makes it possible for the same to be deposited to the bone structure also preventing bone loss.

Protects from cancer - This jelly has a way of fighting cancer through the inhibition of blood supply to tumors. It works by suppressing the effects of blood vessel formations hence easily fighting cancers especially breast cancer. A daily dose of the royal jelly supplement can protect you from cancer.

Acts as an anti-inflammatory - Considering that chronic inflammation can be the cause of heart disease as well as other degenerative diseases including arthritis and Alzheimer's, royal jelly stands to be very helpful. Tests on pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1, TNF-alpha and IL-6 ended up suppressing inflammatory compounds. Those with a history of Alzheimer's disease and heart disease will find the royal jelly very helpful in keeping these diseases under control.

Promotes healing - The jelly has minerals and vitamins including zinc, acetyl-choline, Vitamins B3, B2, B1, B6 and B5. They are all good for the skin and the acids contained in the jelly enhance the production of collagen thus leading to a glowing healthy skin. It shortens healing through skin renewal by nucleic acid, flavonoids, hormones and enzymes that it contains. The use of fresh royal jelly powder or supplements daily will optimize skin health.

Improves blood pressure and blood sugar - This is another one of the benefits. It decreases blood vessel constriction and this leads to lower systolic blood pressure and also reduces the insulin triglyceride levels. It can therefore be used as a functional food in the prevention of insulin resistance and blood pressure.

Protects the liver - The liver is exposed to lots of toxins from different things, including water taps and different kinds of drugs. This is one of the most important organs considering that everything that is ingested must pass through it for filtration. There is therefore a need to keep the liver healthy and clean. Royal jelly offers protective effects by flushing out the toxins.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

18 Symptoms of Protein Deficiency

Our culture has become obsessed with consuming protein for muscle mass gain and for losing weight. This means few of us are skimping on the stuff but, despite our national preoccupation with protein, some of us are still at risk of protein deficiency-namely vegetarians or people who tend to under-eat. The problem is, it can be tricky to identify what is considered "not enough" protein since the recommended intake spans a broad range, rather than one hard number. For somebody is eating a 2,000-calorie diet, enough protein could be between 50 grams to 150 grams of protein per day. Activity level and weight influence your ideal protein intake.Even with a wide variety of protein sources available, some people experience protein deficiency symptoms due to a lack of protein intake. Severely restrictive diets, lack of knowledge about nutrients, and even poverty can contribute to protein deficiency. Look for these signs that your body is begging for more protein:You Crave SweetsOne of the first clues you are low on protein: You start craving sweets and feel like you are by no means particularly full. Wouldn't you think a protein shortage would trigger an urge for steak and eggs? But among protein's most crucial functions is keeping your blood sugar regulated-which means if you are lacking protein, your glucose levels will fluctuate significantly, pushing you to reach for a quick fix like candy. The quick fix will give you energy straight away, then your energy is going to wane as rapidly as it peaked. That seesaw energy cycle drives your cravings. Regulate your blood sugar and the cravings vanish.You Feel Lost in a FogBalanced blood sugar is crucial for staying focused. When you are protein deficient and your glucose levels are fluctuating constantly, you may feel a little foggy - like you can't totally get with the program at work or at school. Why? Because you don't have a constant and uniform stream of protein to fuel your brain. If you are relying on short lived carbohydrates such as those from bread, crackers or candy, you will experience only short bursts of mental energy, followed by a plunge back into the fog.EdemaEdema is a gathering of fluid under the skin, which most frequently affects the legs, feet, and ankles but can occur anywhere on the body. Protein is required for maintaining a balance of water in your body; without it, you may store water improperly.Hair LossHair loss and thinning or brittle hair can also be caused by a protein deficiency. Protein is the building block of all of your cells including your hair follicles and hair. A protein deficiency may lead your hair follicles and your hair to lack the amount of protein it hey need to stay healthy. If you become deficient enough, your hair will begin to fall out.Feeling WeakEverybody knows that protein is essential for building muscle. Weakness and lethargy can be caused by a lack of protein in the diet. Over time, as your reserves of protein are depleted, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue, which will lead to general weakness or lethargy.Always Sick

Your biceps aren't the only thing that protein reinforces. Protein is needed to build all the compounds in our immune systems. If you seem to catch colds or infections more often than everyone else, but you are otherwise in good health, a protein deficiency could be to blame.Slow HealingOur skin is a huge immune organ because it protects us from the environment. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are crucial in healing wounds. When your body suffers damage such as cuts, bruises and sunburn it needs to repair or reproduce tissues. Amino acids amino acids are used in the repairs and reproduction of tissues and a lack of protein can lead to slower healing.Sleep IssuesDifficulty in sleeping may be caused by a serotonin deficiency, which can be caused by a lack of specific amino acids. The required amino acids are produced when protein is broken down by the body. A diet with insufficient protein could lead to difficulty in sleeping.HeadacheHeadaches can be caused by many things including a protein deficiency. A lack of protein may lead to headaches by:• Causing anemia• Causing low blood sugarNail RidgesRidges or white lines in finger and toe nails can be caused by a lack of protein. Ridges that run the length of the nail can indicate an ongoing protein deficiency, while a ridge that runs across the nail may indicate a deficiency that has passed.Pale SkinSkin that loses pigment and burns more easily in the sun can be caused by a lack of iron, as well as a lack of protein. Frequently, foods that are rich in iron also contain protein and protein is essential for the body to utilize iron properly. Anemia, or lack of iron, may result in pale skin.RashesSkin rashes, which may be accompanied by dry or flaking skin, are a symptom of a protein deficiency. Rashes are caused by extreme protein deficiency and may resemble eczema or other dry skin rashes.Weight LossSevere weight loss is one symptom of a protein deficiency. It may be attributed to muscle wastage, as your body breaks down muscle in an attempt to get protein from them.Other SymptomsNot all of the symptoms of protein deficiency are physical. Some are emotional, or mental, and include the following:• Crankiness, moodiness• Problems with conflict resolution• Depression• Anxiety• Lack of energy, no desire to do thingsNeed Protein?Hydrolyzed Collagen is the most absorbable and natural form of protein found in the human body. Hydrolyzed Collagen has the highest Net Protein Utilization (NPU), which measures how much protein is actually utilized by the body. It has a higher NPU than whey, soy, or other popular protein forms. Hydrolyzed means this protein is pre-digested using natural fruit enzymes so that even individuals suffering from digestive conditions can absorb it. All other forms of protein are not pre-digested and allow only partial absorption.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Parasites - Why Being Watchful Is Worth It

If you were a fly on the wall of some recent health professional seminars, you would have heard a couple things that would make you sit up and take notice regarding the possibility that you could be harboring parasites.The first is that "everybody has parasites, you either take charge of them, or they take charge of you." That's bad enough, right?But then there's a second thing you would have overheard, which is that "Every cancer cell has parasites in it." Whoa! If the first statement didn't get your attention, certainly this second one would!What are parasites? Biologically speaking, the dictionary defines them as "organisms that grow, feed, and are sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of their host."That mild definition belies the myriad difficulties they can cause their unwilling host. For example, depending on the type, they could promote cataract formation due to parasite eggs deposited in the lens or your eye. They can cause ovarian cysts in women. They can produce itchy skin or a strange rash - symptoms that can be caused by parasites themselves, their eggs or the toxins they release.They might create a vague achiness, or muscle aches or twitches (due to larvae that have invaded muscle striations). They can trigger hot flash activity in women, and prostate swelling in men.They can create digestive system symptoms such as gas, bloating, belching, vague nausea, loss of appetite or strange cravings. They can stimulate increased sweating. They can create trouble swallowing, or even difficulty breathing due to larvae in those muscles. They can even mimic symptoms of some awful debilitating disease such as lupus or multiple sclerosis, the symptoms of which might resolve entirely once the parasites are cleared.Additionally, these symptoms can change owing to the different phases of the parasite's life cycle. They can start out in the gut, causing pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, etc. By the time they are suspected and a stool sample test is conducted, they may have moved on to their favorite target organ, such as lungs, or liver, and therefore evade detection in stool sample tests.Detection

Besides stool samples, medical tests for discovering parasites can include specimens from blood, bone marrow aspiration, intestinal tract biopsies (jejuna, duodenal and rectal), swabs during sigmoidoscopy, sputum, skin snips, and urogenital system (including vaginal, urethral, prostatic secretions and bladder).Various muscle testing systems can also uncover parasitic issues, as this way of working can suss out issues on a more subtle level than standard medical tests. This way of proceeding can be especially valuable if the parasites have encysted themselves and deposited themselves in bone marrow, for example. They might be able to hide from a swab or a biopsy, but not from a well-trained practitioner with good muscle testing skills.Cleaning HouseAlthough various parasite-cleansing protocols are available for over-the-counter use, these are likely to be effective only for cleaning the little buggers out of your intestinal tract, leaving the future generations ready to take over once the parent generation is out of the way. For this reason it's wise to find a health practitioner who knows how to test and can tailor a protocol specifically to your situation.Whatever that protocol might be, it is essential that you not initiate a 'kill-rate that's too high, as your body could become overwhelmed trying to eliminate the results. Instead, slow and steady is the best way to proceed.Then when you and your practitioner are convinced you are cleared of them, don't rest on your laurels too long. It's entirely too easy to pick up another batch, or get reinfected with the same ones again. That's why it's in the best interests of your health and well-being to get checked routinely from time to time. The sooner you find them, the fewer babies they can have, and the easier it will be to get them gone.And meanwhile, keep your stomach acid secretions high enough. That's your body's first barrier against most infestations.Taking charge of parasites instead of letting them take charge of you is not just a way to feel better; your life may actually depend on it. You'll never know what awful roads you will not have to travel down when you routinely check for and actively address parasite issues.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Top 5 Women's Fitness Myths Busted!

Myth 1: Walking for 30 minutes will make me lose weight.Fact 1: It's true that walking for 30 minutes every day will have a positive effect on your overall health but, it will not necessarily make you lose weight. Many recent studies have established, beyond doubt, that steady state exercise will not stimulate the metabolism sufficiently enough to have a marked effect on body fat reduction without introducing major dietary changes at the same time. Sprinting and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are proven to have significant advantages over walking if weight loss is the goal. Regardless of the type and duration of exercise you do, if you do not control your calorie intake, reduce your consumption of processed foods, fizzy drinks and alcohol, you will NOT shed body fat.Myth 2: When you are pregnant, you have to eat for two.Fact 2: No, being pregnant does NOT require you to eat enough food for two people. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are both nutritionally very taxing and while the body of a pregnant woman is making larger demands, it is more important to be focussed on quality before quantity. During pregnancy, gastric emptying will slow significantly, increasing the absorption rate of the nutrients from food. A pregnant woman will need to increase her calorie input slightly but only enough to satisfy her own Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and the needs of the foetus. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods and be guided by your Health Professional, who can monitor the growth rate and health of the foetus.Myth 3: My pregnancy made me fat!Fact 3: No, your pregnancy did NOT make you fat. It is true that all healthy adult females will gain weight during a pregnancy and a large portion of that weight gain is body fat however, the pregnancy is not the reason she fails to lose the excess weight post-partum. The accepted profile of pregnancy weight gain in Australia is:• 44% fat stores and fluid retention• 25% foetus• The remaining 31% is spread among the placenta, increased blood volume, increased maternal tissue, i.e. uterine wall and breast tissue, and amniotic fluid.Failure to shed the fat stores after the birth is usually due to continuing to maintain the pre-birth low activity levels (remember walking won't do it!), high stress elevates cortisol production, this promotes fat storage, and catching up on all of those "missed treats" that you could not have while pregnant, e.g. glass of wine, Macca's, etc.Myth 4: Lifting weights will make me look like a man.Fact 4: Ever since Female Body Building became a professional sport, this myth has gained momentum and popularity as a reason for women not to do weight training as part of their fitness regimen. When Female Body Building went professional, without the doping controls of other professional sports (before the establishment of the Natural Body Building organisations), the competitors were routinely injecting and ingesting a whole range of natural and synthetic male hormones. These drugs effectively turned them into men, from the inside out, and allowed them to gain massive amounts of bulky muscle and shed unbelievable amounts of body fat. The look was, in my view, horrendous and the health consequences horrific. It was the Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone that created this possibility for them, nothing else.

A healthy female with normal hormone function, will have approximately the same level of Testosterone in her body as a 10 year old boy. The ability to build large volumes of muscle without adding Testosterone and/or Human Growth Hormone is entirely a male attribute and, it is the very, very rare case where a woman will be able to do so naturally.When a woman does lift weights, her muscles will get stronger and will gain a small percentage of bulk. When the muscles do grow, they require more energy simply to exist and this results in the metabolic rate (how many calories you use) increasing. The net result, assuming you do not increase your calorie intake, is weight loss. For women, this transformation will manifest itself in reduced girth measurements (tape measure & dress size) and a more 'toned' look. It can result in an increase in weight on the scales due to muscle weighing more than fat and for that reason alone, I recommend ditching the scales and relying on the tape measure and skinfolds.Myth 5: If I just do arm exercises, I'll get rid of my 'tuckshop lady' arms.Fact 5: If 'spot reduction' worked, everyone would be walking around with absolutely no belly fat whatsoever. The reality is that spot reduction, i.e. working on one body part to get rid of the fat around that area alone, does not work; EVER! When you put on body fat, it begins in one area, usually around the middle, and spreads everywhere from there. In a lot of ways, our body acts like a warehouse system, in that when we subsequently shed the body fat, it comes off in the reverse order. For example, if I put on body fat around the waist first, then the hips, thighs, buttocks and so on, when I lose that fat I can expect it to go from the buttocks first, then the thighs, hips and waist. Working out for hours on end on your arms will build good strong muscles but will not necessarily do anything to get rid of the 'tuckshop lady' arms. You are better off spending your time doing a full body weights session or HIIT session, to build good quality muscle and increase your metabolism and then, fix your nutrition. Eat only fresh, unprocessed foods eliminate sugar, salt, alcohol and carbonated drinks from your diet entirely and you will become lean and healthy.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Few Considerations Before Undergoing a Procedure at an Aesthetics Center

If you are considering a procedure at an aesthetics center, it's extremely important that you weigh all options before committing to a procedure. While there are several benefits to having plastic surgery performed, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.Keep Your Expectations RealisticCosmetic procedures can not only make you look great but also feel great. However, you need to be aware there are no guarantees that the results of your surgery will be exactly what you expect. While technologies and methods have advanced tremendously, a procedure will not result in perfection. It will reshape your body, but it won't fix any issues you may be experiencing in your life. Make sure that you choose a procedure for you and not to fulfill the wishes or desires of someone else.If you are completely honest with your doctor about what you are trying to accomplish, he or she will provide you a truthful assessment as to whether those results can be achieved. The more up front you are regarding your wishes, the better the chances you'll be pleased with the final outcome.Go to a True ProfessionalWhen you choose an aesthetics center, make sure it provides not only competent services but also individualized attention. You will very likely have no shortage of options in your city, so do some research so you can make the best decision possible. Your surgeon absolutely has to be someone whom you trust and who makes you feel comfortable. Check to ensure that he or she is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), because that will mean the doctor has not only graduated from an accredited medical school but has also completed at least five years of surgical training after graduation. In addition, ABPS-certified surgeons have passed intensive written and oral exams and must complete ongoing medical education each year.

The ConsultationOnce you choose a doctor, you will be asked to come into the office for a consultation. This is the time for you to clearly spell out what you're trying to achieve and to ask questions about anything that may concern you. Take advantage of this time; for example, find out if the surgeon has specialized training and how much experience he or she may have. Ask whether or not you're a good candidate for the procedure you want to have. Also, get as much information as you can regarding how much recovery time the procedure will entail, what type of help you may need during that recovery, and any risks or complications that may be associated with the surgery.Making the choice to have plastic surgery at an aesthetics center is not one to be taken lightly. But if you do your research and ask the right questions, you can feel confident you've made the right decision.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Choosing a Gym Fit for Your Needs

When you consider joining a gym, it's imperative to choose the correct gym that prompts you to work out more and helps maintaining the continuity in your training program, whether you are doing it for a sport event or just to remain in good health. When you think of joining a gym, there are quite a few factors for taking the right decision. Of course, you should decide your priorities and ensure that the gym has the required facilities.. Check out the places located in your neighborhood for the facilities they provide, allowing you to eliminate the ones that do not match up to your needs.The location of the gym is importantA conveniently located place means you can visit it more frequently. In case it is part of a chain, check if they allow you to patronize other branches too. You may also need to check on parking and child care facilities provided there, just in case you may need them. Another important factor is their hours of operation.The fee is another important considerationSome gyms charge an admission fee in addition to the regular monthly fee for using the facilities. Before joining a gym, you should know how much they are going to charge you. There are some gyms that give promotional benefits to clients who pay quarterly or bi-annual fees. It is advisable to find out how much discount you can get on paying in this manner. The terms of the contract are a very important factor to check on. Are they giving you membership for a year, are the rates going to be the same for the whole year, even if they change the rates during that period? Another and again very important aspect is the damage for cancelling your membership just in case you can't do it.

It is quite likely that the charges would be proportionate to the facilities offered. If you require only weight training, look for a gym with minimal facilities. Large gyms are likely to have facilities like tennis courts, pools, cardio equipment, and equipment for resistance and weight training, as well as a variety of other training options. Certain gyms have massage therapists with personal trainers. Carefully go through the brochure to select a gym that fulfills your requirements.Having shortened your list, you should visit a couple of gyms to find the one that you find most appealing. Many provide a complimentary pass to enable prospects to examine the facilities available and even try out some equipment. Look for a gym that extends this offer. An important benefit of visiting a gym is the fact that you come to know how packed it is, and by interacting with the staff you would know if they are helpful and friendly. You can also check the status of the equipment you intend using. And have no hesitation of asking any questions.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Put The Fork Down

Every day, your body is fighting a battle for you, trying to keep illness out, and keep you strong, healthy and alive. It is screaming out what it wants to be fed to work at peak performance. It keeps saying, "Give me a banana!" But instead, you feed it a can of Pepsi.Eating fascinates me, especially these days with all of the knowledge available to us. The majority of people in the western world have a general sense of what is good for them and what isn't. We have an endless amount to gain from being healthy, and so much to lose (our lives included) from being unhealthy it's amazing what we are willing to risk and put our bodies through."Take care of your body; it's the only place you have to live."This is your body we are talking about here; you have to be in it every single day, look at it in the mirror every single day. It's your lifespan, it's living long enough to see your kids grow up, having energy to play with them, not having heart attacks, high cholesterol, high blood pressure... to name a few of the many reasons. I can understand neglecting something that may not really affect you, but this is your life we are talking about here. This is all you have. Ever heard the quote, "if you don't have your health... ""You control 100% of what you put in your mouth."Health is very simple. You are in complete control of it and no one else, so you make all the decisions and can assume 100% responsibility. If you are overweight, it's your fault, if you are fit and healthy it is also your fault. There are so many things we spend countless hours worrying about that we have ZERO control over, and most of them aren't anywhere near as important as our health. One simple solution to this abundant problem is, "put the fork down""Eat to live, don't live to eat." You are actually supposed to feel better after you eat. This may be a new concept to some people; it certainly was at one point for me. Food is fuel, it provides vitamins, minerals, energy and life to your body, so that you can go on with your day with more vibrancy, vigor and stamina."Apparently taste is more important than your life."

Most people over-eat, eat the wrong things, and have the exact opposite effect after every time they eat a meal. They feel bloated, sluggish; tired... the list goes on and on. Not only do they eat too much, but also they eat a lot of the wrong things. They do it every single day of their lives. This kind of eating on a daily basis will eventually accumulate into disaster over a couple years. Start thinking about eating from this angle, and don't pick what you think is the most delicious (in time, what is delicious will change; many unhealthy foods will no longer be desirable.) Pick something that is going to give you life, not take hours, weeks, and years off of it. Eat to get MORE life, not less."Your stomach shouldn't be a waste basket."Instead of writing this article, I should have come up with a new version of Tums. When you really think about it, it is actually hard to imagine that such a product even exists. Not only does it exist, it sells over 60 million rolls per year and has been in business for over 80 years. Wow! It is incredible to think that we have developed pills to counteract the awful food we feed ourselves and they are flying off the shelves at such a rate."To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals."Eating smaller portions of high quality real whole foods, along with lots of water will change your life. Yes, it is that simple."If you have no time for healthy eating, you will soon need to find time for illness."What are some of your top priorities in life? If living is high on your list, it may be time to start taking a serious look at your eating habits. You possibly are tired and frequently sick because of the foods that you consume day in and day out. Why do we do this? Is it worth impacting the quality of your life and potentially your lifespan? It's 2014; information on what to eat if you can't figure it out is at our fingertips, just do a quick Google search from your Smartphone anywhere on earth, right now, and you will find all you need to know. Make some quick, simple adjustments to your diet and your life will literally change within months.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How To Increase Your Will Power And Improve Focus

Each holiday season we are faced with temptations that eat into our willpower. The chocolate truffle on the table, the exercise that falls by the wayside to go to the last party and the extra sweets and heavy dinners. We need to know what willpower is before we'll be able to figure out how to increase your will power.In some circles will power is a negative or at least an outdated word. Counselors say it is counterproductive because it causes people to blame themselves instead of working toward change. The more popular word used to replace will power is motivation. It appears that people feel they are able to change or increase their motivation while their will power is something they are born with.Does will power actually exist? Until recently there was no doubt that it existed. It isn't the THING that is in dispute but rather the term that is used to describe the thing. Ancient philosophers believed that will power was at the center of human personality. They believed that desire, reason and will were the cornerstone of human personality.Can will power be measured? In order to answer how to increase your will power you first have to know if it can be measured. Science is based on research and qualitative or quantitative data. Before psychologists develop programs to change behavior they must see proof that it is possible through multiple case studies or randomized research studies. In a study conducted with 4-year-olds they attempted to measure what we are calling willpower.A child was left alone in a room with a cookie. The child was told he would get two cookies if he didn't eat this one. Unknown to him the researchers taped him with a hidden camera to see how long he held out. The experiment had a long-term component also. The children were tracked and the ones with higher resistance appeared to do better in their later lives.Are we born with will power that cannot be changed or affected? In some recent experiments researchers seem to believe that their results show that will power is much like a muscle - it can strengthen and it can tire.

To start exercising your will power muscle begin with stuff that your out-of-shape will can handle. Write with your left hand instead of your right, skip one meal, skip the afternoon snack. Look for ways to use your willpower against your want-power.At the University of Pennsylvania cognitive psychologists looked at the behavior of learned helplessness. Researchers first noticed in experiments with dogs the behavior of learned helplessness. The dogs had learned to give up based on previous experience. He also believed that this could be unlearned.How is learned helplessness associated with willpower?Willpower, motivation, drive, desire - what ever you chose to call it - is malleable - it is changeable dependent upon your life circumstances and also upon your desire to change it. The key, according to psychologists, is your little voice inside your head that analyzes and explains things that happen to you.There are two types of voices - optimistic and pessimistic. The optimist believes good things happen because they made them happen and bad things are a function of the situation, which will be different next time. The pessimist will believe that good things happen just because and bad things always happen to them.Psychologists believe that you can change these scripts and then your script will change you. First become aware of when you are talking to yourself - catch yourself in the act and then see what you are telling yourself. Write down what you would say if you were an optimist. The act of writing down your script will activate neurological pathways that are different from when you are saying the script.People often question how to increase your will power. Will power is important in all aspects of life from dieting to sports to exercise and your job. Improving your will power and exercising that muscle will improve your success.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Emotional Self-Neglect - Learn How to Avoid Its Disasters

The consequences of neglecting your physical needs are likely well known to you. That's why you pay at least some attention to your eating and sleeping habits.But another kind of neglect is at least or even more important: - that of your emotional life. Ignoring, neglecting or abusing your emotional self can lead to all kinds of dire consequences. Here are five of the many such examples:increasing stress
relationships going sour
greater number and intensity of physical illnesses
increasing failure to achieve goals
rising feelings of frustration, bad moods, increased anxiety, anger and even depression.Emotional self-neglect is not merely a bad habit - its profound effects are borne out by scientific research that demonstrates that your emotional brain - your limbic system - operates like a central clearing house.Everything - your thoughts, beliefs, ideas, plans, fantasies etc. run through it where they are filtered and 'color' your perceptions and therefore the reality you perceive, respond to and participate in creating.Knowing this, it's easier to see how your emotional life not just can effect, but does effect:your feelings about yourself,
your relationships,
your parenting of yourself,your children and grandchildren,
your mental health,
your ability to understand your own needs and motivations and those of others as well.Your emotional life profoundly affects your physical health as well. The pathways and mechanisms through which this happens were identified by Candace Pert, PH.D., who demonstrated that each thought you think has a parallel physical molecule that runs through your body. This "thought molecule" instructs your physiology in how to proceed. In other words, your thoughts ceaselessly produce physical changes!

A major boost was given to this astounding fact by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., who demonstrated that both your genes and your DNA not only can be - but are manipulated by your beliefs. In other words, your beliefs are what control your biology whether or not your beliefs are right!How is this possible? Because every single one of the 50 to 70 trillion cells in your body is always busy adapting to your environment - and when you change your emotional environment you change the environmental signals that elicit the behavior of your cells. In this way your emotional self is literally in charge of your cells!The good news is that not only can you avoid these miserable consequences, you can also create massive positive changes for yourself by paying attention to, and then improving how you take care of your emotional life needs.To thrive emotionally, you need to take care of the emotional tasks that present themselves as part of what you do as you go through life. Learning what these tasks are and how to carry them out is how you create a more satisfying emotional life, feel more contented and secure in yourself, become a better parent or grandparent, improve your relationships, raise your EQ and more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tips for Flat Abs

Have you always dreamed of flat abs, but just cannot seem to find the diet or exercise plan that works for you? Have you tried crunches over and over again without results? With the appropriate combination of healthy eating and regular exercise, you can achieve flat abs. Here are some tips and tricks for a healthy midsection.Snack on Protein.When it comes time to choose a snack, opt for a snack that is high in protein. A protein snack between the hours of three and four in the afternoon will help give you the energy you need to get through the work day and help you to feel full until dinner. Consider snacking on low-fat cheese, almonds or grab a protein bar. A late-afternoon snack helps to boost your metabolism, which will make it much easier for you to reach your goal of flat abs. A protein-packed afternoon snack will also help to balance your blood sugar levels. When you maintain low blood sugar level, your insulin levels will also remain lower. Insulin is what causes you to store extra fat in your belly region.Reduce the Amount of Sugar You Consume.If you want flat abs, consume as few grams of sugar on a daily basis as you possibly can. The closer to zero grams of sugar you consume the more likely you are to develop flat abs. Why? Minimizing the amount of sugar you consume helps to keep your insulin levels low and your levels of glucagon high. Glucagon is a hormone in your body that helps your body to consume fat as a source of energy.Never Underestimate the Power of Chewing Your Food Well.Taking time to enjoy your meal is a great way to help with flat abs. Chewing your food until it is extremely soft is a great way to prevent bloating. The process of digestion starts in your mouth. If you aren't taking the time to properly chew your food, you are not going to digest it properly. Proper digestion of your good helps to reduce bloating as well as gas.Crunches Alone are Not Going to Get You Flat Abs.When your goal is flat abs, abdominal exercises are not the only exercises you need to be engaging in. In fact, abdominal exercises should be the lowest on your list of exercises to complete. You should focus on cardio and strength training. Your last focus should be on abdominal exercises. Try this workout schedule: 20 minutes of cardio three to five days per week. 15 minutes of strength training three days per week. 5 minutes of abdominal exercises five days per week.

Kick Your Way to Flat Abs.A kickboxing class or DVD in the privacy of your own home is a great way to work your core muscles. During kickboxing, you must engage your core muscles as you throw punches. Twisting of the torso during kickboxing also gives your abdominal muscles a great workout. Additionally, kickboxing is a great way to burn extra calories. Kickboxing is extremely high energy.Replace Your Table Salt with Sea Salt.A diet that is high in salt can make your stomach bloated. For flat abs, try using kosher salt or natural sea salt. These are much lower in sodium that your traditional table salts. If you need to add a little flavor to your food, you can also consider using cayenne pepper or fresh tomato salsa; they'll add flavor and help you to boost your metabolism.Portion Control is a Must.When your goal is flat abs, eating portion-controlled meals that contain monounsaturated fats and whole-grains are a must. Individuals who consume more whole grains lose more abdominal fat than those who do not. Laughter Really Can Be the Best Medicine. Have you ever laughed so hard that it has hurt? When this happens, you are really strengthening your abs. Every time you laugh you are strengthening your abs and working your way to flat abs.Keep in mind that flat abs are not going to occur overnight. With determination and dedication, you can achieve your goal of flat abs. To do this, you must focus on an overall healthy lifestyle. This should include regular exercise and a well-balanced diet.Copyright (c) 2014 LifeWorks Integrative health

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Advantages Of Taking A Restorative Yoga Teacher Course

Restorative yoga is intended to allow the practitioner to let go of the demands and stresses of everyday life. This includes letting go of all pressure to do things right and to constantly improve and achieve. These last two criteria are what make teaching this type of yoga so difficult. A teacher's skill in creating the right atmosphere of relaxation and a teacher's skill in providing guidelines in how to perform the poses without applying subtle pressure to do it right or better can make or break a restorative yoga class. These special skills can be learned in a restorative yoga teacher course.The restorative yoga teacher has to discard the role of authoritative teacher. Instead, the teacher needs to don the role of a helpful guide or a gentle caregiver. Applying the mental role of caregiver works particularly well when using props to help the student "receive" and relax into the pose. Using the role of a caregiver can be helpful when looking for signs a student needs assistance. Instead of looking for signs that the pose is being performed incorrectly, look for signs of discomfort or effort and try to relieve these symptoms.Inexperienced teachers may find it difficult to leave lengthy silences. During a class it is common for students to lie quietly for five minutes at a time. A teacher may feel odd about not teaching, not instructing and not doing anything for these lengthy silences, but they are an essential part of the class. The teacher needs to remember to "let go."A great deal of thought should be put into the sequence of poses chosen for each class. One sign of a good teacher is being able to manage gentle transitions from pose to pose without having to fuss too much with the props. Abrupt transitions marked by thumping sandbags and students struggling with blocks and bolsters are very disruptive to the desired goal of relaxation.

Because teaching restorative yoga is so different from teaching regular yoga, teachers should strongly consider taking a specific restorative yoga teacher course. Most such courses require that the teacher be certified in teaching regular yoga as a prerequisite. In addition to covering the difficult, special skills necessary for teaching this kind of yoga, a good class will also provide information on how to guide students through the poses safely.Having the knowledge to adjust or substitute the poses to safely accommodate students with special conditions or needs is particularly important in restorative yoga. Of course it is important in teaching all types of yoga, but students with physical limitations, injuries and other special conditions are likely to try restorative yoga under the assumption that it is not particularly physically challenging.An essential part of learning how to teach restorative yoga is learning about the physiology of relaxation. Learning the anatomy of the nervous system and how it affects the body during arousal and relaxation is essential for being able to read students during class. During a class it is important to be able to glance at the students and be able to tell if they are truly relaxed or if instead they are uncomfortable, bored or just having trouble "letting go."Most restorative yoga teaching programs offer certification in the practice and are part of an overall yoga teaching certification program. Being certified as a yoga teacher, including a teacher of restorative yoga, will attract students to class. Skillful teaching will keep students in class.