Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Deciding Between an OB/GYN and a Midwife

You have so many questions that need to be answered when expecting: What will you name your baby? Do you want to know if you're having a boy or a girl? If so, should you find out before the birth? Who will be responsible for delivering your precious package? The practitioner(s) you see over those next nine months can help answer all of the above questions and more. So your options must be considered carefully, as in carefully deciding whether you need the assistance of an OB/GYN or a midwife.No two pregnancies are alike, and there's no such thing as a wrong answer when choosing how to deliver your baby; after all, it's about the baby's health, the mother's comfort and vice versa. The most important thing is deciding which kind of practitioner suits your needs so that you can make an informed, comfortable decision.Choosing An OB/GYNThink of an OB/GYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist) as someone who specializes in all facets of pregnancy--from conception to delivery. If yours encounters such complications as placenta previa or gestational diabetes, or if you're experiencing a 'high risk' pregnancy, then hiring an obstetrician would be most appropriate. Moreover, even if your pregnancy is deemed normal and you want to limit such medical intervention, you might ask your obstetrician for a more laissez-faire approach, which is usually honored sans unforeseen medical complications. Lastly, if you already see an obstetrician and like her manners, philosophy on delivery, and knowledge of C-sections, then sticking with her might be the right decision. But if you're having trouble finding the right doctor, just remember that there are alternatives.

Choosing a MidwifeA midwife is a registered nurse who has received graduate-level certification in midwifery, conferred by the ACNW, American College of Nurse-Midwives. Trained to handle all aspects of labor, delivery and prenatal care, a midwife may be ideal for those seeking to give birth 'naturally.' However, they are not doctors or experienced surgeons. If there are any emergency medical issues, they must defer such high-risk procedures to a registered hospital.A few major differences between obstetricians and midwives are that midwives tend to offer more emotional support, more openness in discussing delivery plans, and more time during appointments. A number of studies support such claims and suggest that between pregnancies, those delivered by midwives are much less likely to result in major surgery (e.g., C-sections). Although midwives tend to encourage 'natural' labor and delivery, some do offer epidurals and other medical interventions when deemed necessary.The Choice Is YoursIf your pregnancy is deemed 'high risk' (33% fall into this category), or if you'd feel more comfortable in the hands of someone who can navigate through any complication or don't wish to experience labor without an epidural, then choosing an OB/GYN might be best for you. However, if your pregnancy is 'low risk' and you prefer to have an entirely 'natural' birth, then a midwife might be the way to go. But in either case, it's all about speaking with your practitioner and figuring out what's best for you and your baby.

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