Monday, October 27, 2014

Reflections on Fathers' Day

I was sitting at my computer today thinking about my blogs for next week when it occurred to me that today is arguably one of the most important days on any man's calendar. Why? If you are a father, grand-father or, (fanfare!) great-grand-father, you will know what I am talking about. If you do not fit into one of these categories, then I hope that one day you will experience the joys, despair and beauty that being a Dad can be.But, there is more to this than the relationships with your children and their children. What about the relationship with yourself? Are you healthy, happy and able to live the life you want to live? Are you able to actively engage with your children and grandchildren in physical sports and activities? If the answer is yes, good on you and keep doing what you are doing. If the answer is no, please keep reading and consider how life could be not how it currently is!What does it mean to me to be able to get out in a park, or on the beach, and throw a ball around, kick a football, play volleyball or play-wrestle with my grandchildren? Honestly, there is nothing in the world that I would not do to be able to continue doing all of these things and be safe in the knowledge that I am fit, strong and resilient enough to keep up with them and not injure myself.So you are over 40, so you are carrying too much weight, so you work long hours; So What!! In December 2012 I weighed 130 kgs, was carrying over 30% body fat and felt like a slug. Today, I weighed in at 90.7 kgs, my body fat is now 17.4% (and falling) and just last weekend, I ran 5 kms in under 30 minutes.

I am no superhuman, I work the same as everybody else, I have life, work and family stressors that I need to deal with on a daily basis but I know that my health and fitness are the key things that underpin my ability to perform at my best every day, whether that is at work, home or at play.OK, you are male and over 40! Can you remember back in high school how much leaner you were and how much more energy you seemed to have? You can get back to being high school lean and full of energy again. You won't have to mortgage your house or spend hour upon hour in the gym.What it will take, is commitment, consistency and a level of discipline that you probably haven't had in your personal life before. The rewards? They are enormous! You will return to a healthy state, you will shed unwanted, and unnecessary, body fat, you will build muscle and build a metabolism that will have you firing on all cylinders all day (and night) long. Your spouse will love the new you (that does not mean she doesn't already), your children and grandchildren will discover that the 'old man' is fun to be around and is actually 'tougher' than they thought.More importantly, you will be putting years into the bank. There have been hundreds of studies over the years into the effects of regular exercise and healthy nutrition and without exception, they all point to a marked extension in life expectancy and that those extra years are less likely to be consumed by chronic disease and debilitation.Have a fantastic Fathers' Day and I hope there are many more to follow.

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